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Terms & Conditions : Tradespeople


Thank you for choosing to use helloglazing.co.uk. It’s important to read the rules and regulations stated in the statements below before you start to use our website. These statements set out the terms and conditions on which you may use the website include (but not limited) browsing, reading and writing reviews, searching tradespeople, quotes request. By using this website it means you’re happy with the terms of the usage either as a guest or registered user. In case for any reason you’re not happy or disagree with the terms and conditions statements, please stop using this website.

Who we are

HelloGlazing.co.uk is a brand name of DataContext (UK) Limited. DataContext (UK) Limited is a company registered in England and Wales under the company number 07425576. Our Office Address is 14-16 Powis St, Woolwich London SE18 6LF UK.

Privacy policy

These terms and conditions contain other relevant link to important information on how we use your data and cookies on the website. Here is the link to the Privacy Policy which includes the cookies usage policies on this site. Please try to read them to make sure you’re happy with the statements before using the site. In case you evenetually got ahead to use our website it means you have agreed to the use cookies.

Changes to our site

From time to time we may update any part of the website or move things around whenever business needs require these changes. The changes may affect the contents and any other materials on the website. In case any of our contents are out-of-date, we are not obliged to update them immediately unless it’s afffecting other part of the website and it’s impossible for us guarantee the entire website is errors free. We will always welcome your suggestions and criticisms using this email address ERRORHelloglazing.co.uk should in case you notice any error on our website.

Using our website

Browsing through our website is free at all time including reading the contents on it. In case of unexpected error on the website, we will try our best to fix the issues as soon as we can. But we can’t guarantee that our website will be available online all the time with no interruption. Sometimes there are technical issue may be beyond our control. We will not be liable if for any reason our website is not accessible for any period.

Under Consumer Rights Act, your use of the helloglazing.co.uk website is at your own risk. When on helloglazing.co.uk website, It’s your responsibility to take all precautions you believe necessary to protect you against any problems that may occur when you use the website. This includes those who access this website through your internet connection. Everyone must comply and made aware of the statement in our terms of use of the site. Helloglazing.co.uk will not liable for damages that may arise for using the website or your inability to use our website properly.

Any computer automated means either to search or mining data or automated submission are not allowed from this website. We do not support any operation that may affect the proper functioning of our website or infrastructure through automatic or semi-automatic technical process.

Using this website, you have agreed that:
1. You will not breach local and international laws and regulations.
2. You will not use the site for any improper or dishonest act.
3. You will not use the site to harm anyone, including minors
4. You will not use the site to send unwelcome email and advertising material that make up to be spam
5. You will not deliberately send or transmit any data that may contain virus
6. Information presents / contents submissions will be accurate to the best of your knowledge
7. Anything you do will be within the laws of United Kingdom
8. Your contents contribution will not be disrespectful or offensive to anyone
9. Your contents contribution will not include any material that promote sexual material
10. Your contents contribution will be original copy written by you
11. Your contents contribution will be your own past works images
12. Your account may be suspended or terminated if you have breached any part of these terms and conditions stated, although we will try all our possible best to resolve the issues so that it will not result into suspendtion or termaintion of your account.

Intellectual property rights

We are the owner and licensor of all intellectual property rights on our website, this include all the information published here. Everything on our site is copyright protected apart from products images that are from third-party. You can not reproduce or print or download or extract anything on this website without our authorisation for you to do so. It will be copyrights infringement if you failed to abide by terms of this website. You must not use or reproduce any part of our contents / design for any purpose unless allowed by us.

Not in under any circumstance the terms setout in these Terms and Conditions should be ignored. Any information you publish on Helloglazing.co.uk website, this includes reviews business profile, contents, quote request, photos, adverts, and images must be your own works. You must make sure you have been granted a full permission to use any materials including those listed by the owner before using them on Helloglazing.co.uk website.

When this information / data mentioned above (reviews business profile, contents, quote request, photos, adverts, and images) are used or published on Helloglazing.co.uk website, we automatically conclude that you have unequivocally granted us a royalty-free, permanent worldwide non-restrictive license to use, reproduce, change, publish, edit, translate, distribute, publish, advertise, present, and display your name or business name and other information as part the current website or any other forms of website we may develop in the future.

1. It’s your responsibility to make any information post on Helloglazing.co.uk are within the laws. Helloglazing.co.uk will not be responsible for any material that breach of copyright infringement of any other company anywhere in the world.
2. It’s your responsibility to make you’re not infringing copyright and trademarks of any organisation / company.
3. It’s your responsibility to make sure the information publish on our website are not misrepresented or false should not mislead or deceive.
4. It’s your responsibility to make sure the information publish abide to the privacy laws and any other forms of confidentiality regulations


From time to time we try our best to provide you with valuable, important information helloglazing.co.uk website while we cannot guarantee our contents will be free of any type errors. We hope to believe that the information presented to you in helloglazing.co.uk are accurate to level permitted by the laws as at the time of publishing. We will not be held responsible for such errors or any omissions or typo in the contents. If you find any errors on our website, please email us at GDPRHelloglazing.co.uk

All the product descriptions in helloglazing.co.uk website are not a substitute for professional advice on the products. In fact, there are none of the product descriptions that should serve as a professional guidance. Requirement for every property will be different and will never be the same, we advice to seek a professional guidance before buying any products from our tradespeople we work with.

Apart from information submitted to us (proof of identity, proof insurance and proof of address) for vetting process during registration to validate each company / tradespeople on our website, we do not examine, or check, or ask for their certification or check their competence to perform the task. Also, tradespeople are not obliged to submit this information to us for validation / vetting before they can have an account with us.

To differentiate the vetted companies from others; always look for Vetting Status on the website. Vetting Status tells you the companies that have passed our basic vetting processes. In an honesty we expect the professional tradespeople to present accurate information our website. It’s the responsibility of the homeowners to check and validate any information provided to support their competency to do the job. Check with your local authority and companies-house to validate the company you want to use.

By law, all companies / tradespeople / installers / fitters / sole traders : before you takeup any job you must make sure you’re competent, insured and allowed to do the job based trade regulations available to satisfy yourself that you can perform the task.

Helloglazing.co.uk will not be responsible for any damages or losses caused because of requesting quotation from us (homeowners) or because of receiving leads from us (tradespeople) based on the service we provide.

There are multiple links to access external website in Helloglazing.co.uk. We have no control over the contents of these websites; we do not endorse given approvals to their contents, meaning we disavow all accountability and liability to when and how the site operates or updated or its contents.

It’s the responsibility of the homeowner to make sure they have a relevant contract in place between them and the tradespeople regarding the job. We are not liable to anyone under this contract in relation to the job or any other things that may be included in the contract.

Apart from performing our obligation to help you with free multiple quotes (homeowners) and showcase your business profile (tradespeople), It’s the responsibility of the homeowner to select the tradespeople of their choice. We do not or we will get in involve in your selection processes of the company that will do your job.

Helloglazing.co.uk will not responsible for any fraudulent act by tradespeople or their sub-contractors. This includes anything that may cause death or personal injury because of negligence from tradespeople or homeowners or by us.

The homeowner or tradespeople agree and accept that:
1. Tradespeople or third-party providers work independently from us, they will be responsible to carry out your works. They are not party of Helloglazing.co.uk, and they do not work us.
2. Any contract sign by the homeowner and tradespeople for any jobs / services is between them only including the terms and conditions agreement. There should be nothing in the contract that includes us in the agreement.
3. Under the trading standard laws, we have not and we will not promise we can perform home improvement service.. The only service we provide is to connect the homeowner with the tradespeople / service providers who will provide the services.
4. Helloglazing.co.uk will not accept any liability or warranty regarding the service / job provides by the tradespeople.

Additional terms for Tradespeople
Before tradespeople upload their contents to Helloglazing.co.uk website, they must make sure this information is non-confidential and not registered or protected as a trademark or brand name, including the images. The tradespeople will remain the owner of these contents. As part of the terms to use Helloglazing.co.uk website, you have automatically agreed for us to use these contents without limitation on our website. We may share, copy, store and distribute this information.

As part of the terms for this website, we may disclose your identity if any company or third party approach us that the contents you uploaded onto our website is in breach of their intellectual property rights, including their right to privacy policy. If any of the tradespeople breached the intellectual property rights including their right to privacy policy of any another company / third-party this company will be solely responsible for consequence of their action. Helloglazing.co.uk will not be part of it.

Helloglazing.co.uk has the right to remove any inappropirate contents posted by tradespeople that are in violation of our standard and values or others.

Right to update information

You can update any information given to us online when you login; this applies to those who have created an account with us. You can also submit a request for your account to be deleted when you login as well. For those who wish to update information given to us through a quotation request submitted on our website, you can send us an email for the information provided to be updated. Example would be a wrong telephone number or any other relevant information they will allow the TradesPeople (professional installers)( to respond to your request.

We can update our terms & conditions page from time to time to display changes to the type of personal data that we collect or how we use them. If we think it’s necessary, we will notify you by email. If you need more information about these terms notice, you can contact us at GDPRHelloglazing.co.uk. Questions about these terms & conditions will be responded to within 30 days. Use the address below to write to us:

14-16 Powis St,
London SE18 6LF
United Kingdom

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