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Benefits of choosing Double Glazed Windows - Double Glazed Windows / Doors

Benefits Of Choosing Double Glazing Windows

Windows are undoubtedly very significant structures in the design of a building. Beyond providing external view and controlling the inflow of air into the room, windows are also very significant in controlling room temperature, moisture and condensation and noise reduction. The technology of Double Glazed Windows provides an all-round solution to these and offers more benefits than regular windows.

1. Thermal efficiency

The technology of double-glazed windows is gas filled between two glass panes. This gas and the double glass layers create a barrier that provides insulation, that maintaining room temperature for a longer period.

This reduces the amount of energy and resources spent in heating the house during winter and cooling during summer, also translating to reduced greenhouse gas emissions from heaters and air conditioners too.

2. Sound reduction

Besides thermal efficiency, double-glazed windows are very much acoustically efficient with up to 70% noise reduction capacity sometimes. This featured benefit provides a comfortable environment, even if you live right in the centre of the city. Double-glazed windows dull out the noise from the streets outside.

3. No condensation

Double glazing eliminates the problem of beaded water droplets forming on the window as the simple gas and double glass layer technology prevents the warm air from getting to the outer layer of the glass, and the inner layer never gets cold enough for condensation to occur. The windows remain dry and clear, and this results in less cleaning of the windows too.

4. Freedom in choice of Window covering

Tired of investing in heavy duty window coverings? Double-Glazed windows are the answer. The technology reduces the intensity of harmful UV light rays, which you may try to manipulate with heavy coverings. With double-glazed windows, you have the liberty to choose lighter coverings to suit your decor ideas or none.

5. Security

The thickness of the double and triple glass layer makes it impossible to tamper with or burgled by thieves. Both double and triple-glazed windows are safer alternative to single pane/regular windows. Double-glazed windows are burglar proof, and because this is visible from outside of your home serves as a possible deterrent for thieves.

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